'If the thing desired is really light, the desire for light produces it... The soul empties itself of all its own contents in order to receive into itself the being it is looking at, just as they are, in all their truth' - Simone Weil
That spring day in a small space
not much bigger than a child's hand
there was a whole world moving
Where the mirror had shed its film of dirt
grass was swaying in the blustery wind
beyond the beams of the old barn
The sun was flickering behind the clouds
that were dancing like a masked parade
or like memories blowing across a mind
Things were touching and scattering apart
as if everything was being born all at once
and nothing was coherent or familiar
It was as if the years of what I once knew
were lifting like layers of gathered dust
being blown off the face of a window
Some times I am just a body making sense
of threads thrown together in chaos
at a time when there was no reason
I have wanted to wipe the slate clean
no more than that to climb into its story
and touch its objects and figures
Yet it has seemed each morning I wake
and another veneer of dust has landed
separating me from what is really true
And I still can't see all the way through
so many things seemingly obscured
the portal I look through still so fragile
Maybe this is you holding me safe God ?
but it feels like a restriction to seeing you
or showing you who I really am
And as I watched the scene began to move
into a landscape of pattern and meaning
like letters joining together to make a word
Far within that gap in the dirt
I did suddenly see as if from before time
the light of the sun trembling on the water
And it was reaching through the glass
as my breath steamed over its surface
and then like sea mist floated away
It is this light that brings us here
and helps me to see you and you see me
no longer reflected through a mirror
A soul emptying itself of all its own contents
to receive into itself the being it is looking at
which is you just as you are in all your truth
Not just a word but in flesh and body
you and me now opening to fall like rain
freed from the dust clouds on this old frame
When I turned there was a pathway of white
like a ship had driven across the sky
a ship that carries us when the waters rage
'For now we see through a glass, darkly,
but then face to face. Now I know in part;
but then shall I know, even as also I am known'
Old mirror in the barn / Trees by the lake - Bonnevaux, France
Painting - Free Fall - Margaret Morrison
Quote - St Paul
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